Your Small Steps Count

Vegan and gluten free butter finger bars by plant based pals

Recently, I went out to dinner with a group of work friends. A few of us are vegan and vegetarian, and we got to talking about how we began our journies and why we decided to pursue a plant-based lifestyle.

The common reasons came up almost immediately: personal health, environmental protection, animal rights, and mindful consumption. When my turn came, I agreed with all the reasons listed before me. But I also shared I never expected to last this long as a vegetarian, let alone vegan. 

I told the story of how Nicole and I jokingly challenged each other one day during our freshman year to stop eating meat. We never expected it would snowball into nearly a decade of plant-based living.

Our story shows you don't need to commit to all or nothing right now. In an age of polarity, it can be easy to ignore the small steps that lead to eventual growth. But this is your reminder: as long as you try your best, you are doing a great job! You don't need to become vegan overnight, and we wouldn't recommend that anyway.

What was (or will be) the first step in your journey? 

Thanks for reading,

This creamy vegan pasta sauce – or cashew alfredo – is savory, thick, smooth, and healthy. It is perfect for vegans and people with lactose intolerance. Enjoy this rich and creamy white sauce without any of the dairy. 

An incredibly comforting recipe, this cashew alfredo pasta with roasted brussels sprouts feels like a warm hug.

View the full recipe on our blog.


Inspired by the Italian soups my grandma makes, this recipe features fresh garden vegetables, protein-dense cannellini beans, and stelline pasta (shaped like little stars).

I never get tired of homemade soup this time of year!

View the full recipe here.


Made with common pantry staples like cornflakes, peanut butter, maple syrup, and chocolate, you’ll be able to whip up your favorite crispy candy bar in minutes.

These vegan & gluten-free “Butterfingers” bars are excellent to have on hand to satisfy your sweet tooth any time of the day.

View the full recipe here.

DIY dry shampoo

Corn Starch + Cocoa Powder

That’s it. It’s that easy.  

Combine equal parts corn starch and cocoa or cacao powder in a glass jar, and gently massage into hair and scalp when ready to use.  

Feel free to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture.  

View the full blog here.

“Going vegan is a process of learning, exploring, and experimenting.”

Relax and lean into a plant-based lifestyle. Find things you enjoy and run with them.

Thank you for reading,

Nicole & Gabby


How To Go Plant-Based in 5 Steps


Thinking of Going Plant-Based in 2023?