Simple Ways to Be Eco-Friendly

Nobody’s perfect. We get it. We struggle to be 100% eco-friendly at all times. Everyone makes mistakes and it’s important to acknowledge certain areas we can collectively grow together as a society.

There’s a major issue at hand. We’ve all sacrificed part of the environment, to some extent, for the convenience of our lives.

Although it is almost impossible to be entirely eco-friendly, this should not discourage you from being as eco-friendly and environmentally-conscious as you possibly can be. As an Earthling, you and your planet deserve a safe and protected environment to thrive and grow. Practicing eco-friendly habits and educating yourself on ways to minimize environmental threats are both important steps in reducing your carbon footprint.

No matter how small the effort, you are making a difference. Mother Earth thanks you. While much of the destruction of this planet is caused by irresponsible large corporations, it is still very important to address individual actions that can alleviate a bit of this major issue at hand.

Here are some simple ways to be eco-friendly in your everyday life:


Did you know: makeup wipes take 100 years to biodegrade? As soon as I learned this not-so-fun-fact, I immediately ditched my one-time-use makeup wipes and invested in reusable pads.  Not only was this purchase great for environmental reasons, but it is a lot more convenient and cost-efficient.  You’ll never have to continue buying disposable makeup wipes because you’ll never run out.  A quick wash, and they’re ready to go for your next use. 


It’s no secret that people love their coffee. It is ingrained in morning routines, lunch breaks, and late nights. Whether you have a favorite local café or make your own coffee or tea, having a reusable coffee mug on hand can save you a lot of hassle, while also being extremely beneficial for the environment.  If you think about the millions of people who buy their coffee to-go throughout the week, you will realize how massive of an issue this really is. All of these plastic cups add up! Choose to ditch single use coffee cups by bringing your own mug.

Many coffee shops, like Starbucks, will happily make your drink and pour it your own personal coffee mug, instead of using one of their plastic cups. Simply hand it to barista at the register when ordering!

Investing in a reusable coffee mug, (even if the mug itself may be made of plastic), can significantly reduce plastic waste if you are one to buy coffee, tea, or other drinks on the go. 


Many grocery stores nowadays are changing their policies and taking action against environmental threats within their stores.  Stores like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods have ditched the plastic bags and transitioned to paper. Other stores like Aldi offer a monetary incentive to encourage customers to bring their own reusable shopping bags. Although these stores have modified their systems to reduce plastic waste, it is still imperative to remember your reusable bags when shopping at other establishments that do not have these kinds of eco-friendly policies in place.  So many times I’ve gone to Rite-Aid, CVS, or Target down the street and forgot to bring a reusable bag! 

I suggest storing your bags in your car so that you will always have them on hand and you won’t have to worry about forgetting them at home.  Another option is storing your bags in a noticeable, or easy to access, spot near your door (or another area you know you will remember), so that it is on your mind or in your sight before you walk out the door.


Many people buy plastic water bottles for the convenience, taste, and purity of the water. Although all of these factors are important for our drinking water, going through cases and cases of plastic water bottles is obviously not the best for the environment, especially if the empties are not getting properly recycled. 

Unfortunately, harmful chemicals and metals in tap water are a huge concern nowadays, so drinking the unfiltered water from your sink is not the best option to turn to. Although water filtration systems and devices tend to be on the pricey side, it is definitely worth the investment in the long run, taking into consideration how much water you need to consume every day.  You want to make sure that you’re giving your body what it needs to survive, without simultaneously tainting it with harmful chemicals.

-Invest in a Brita filter

Brita filters can be an excellent purchase, and can be affordable too.  Brita sells different types of filters that perform different functions, so researching which one best suits you will determine its pricing and efficiency.  Water filtration systems can seem expensive up-front, but in the long run, they will save you a lot of money and give you the clean water you deserve.  Plastic water bottles an seem convenient, especially on the go, but recognizing and understanding their negative environmental impact can help you make the conscious decision to ditch the plastic and invest in a more sustainable alternative to clean water.  

-The easy option isn’t always the right one

Disposable plates & bowls made of paper or Styrofoam can be an attractive purchase for some, because of their convenience and time-saving purposes.  Plastic forks, knives, and spoons are just as convenient and can save you precious minutes per week on washing dishes, especially for those without a dishwasher.  These kinds of disposable plates and utensils can be especially helpful for busy individuals or large households.  Although these may be tempting purchases, it is not sustainable for obvious environmental reasons, especially if not recycled.   

If you have the privilege of owning a dishwasher, using your own washable, glass dishes and stainless steel silverware is the best way to go.  Dishwashers are time-efficient and eliminate most of the work on your end when it comes to cleaning your dishes. 

-Take the time to wash your dishes

If you do not have a dishwasher, you are not alone.  If you’re like me, you are often times lazy and unmotivated to clean the stacks of dirty dishes in the sink, procrastinating it for days.  I’ve found that cleaning my dishes after each use and not allowing them to pile up, has helped me to avoid procrastinating and has eliminated the pressure of having to clean them all at once.  A little self-discipline does go a long way.  If I end up having a lot of dishes, however, I try to get them all done at once, usually while I’m waiting for my dinner to cook.  It always surprises me how quickly I can get them done after all. 

Disposable plates, bowls, and utensils have their time and place for certain reasons and occasions, but doing your best to avoid them can have a huge positive impact on the environment.  Taking a little extra time each week to clean your own dishes can really go a long way. 


If you are not already vegan or vegetarian, but are trying to do something beneficial for the environment or your body, incorporating “meat-free” or “dairy-free” days into your week are simple and effective practices that you could try.  No matter where you are in your journey, every step is important.  Having one day per week dedicated to not consuming meat or dairy is extraordinary! Remember, you are doing more for the environment than someone else who is not doing this.  You are still making a difference by every small effort you make.

Meat-free or dairy-free days reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to your desire for global change and change within yourself and your own health.  By eating a veggie burger for dinner, ditching the bacon for breakfast, or opting for dairy-free ice cream, you are making a positive impact on the environment.


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